To continue in good academic standing, learners must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 for all coursework.
Learners with a poor average in high school or college who are accepted on academic probation have only one semester to bring their grades up to a cumulative 2.0 GPA. All learners must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA or face academic probation for the semester that follows. Learners placed on academic probation for two successive semesters will be given an academic suspension for at least one semester. Readmission to Agathon UAF may be granted by action of the Chief Academic Officer.
To continue in good standing overall, learners must follow all policies published in the Learner Handbook. Any learner failing to follow published policies may be placed on probation for the semester that follows. Learners placed on probation for two successive semesters will be suspended for at least one semester. Readmission may be granted by action of the Vice President of Learner Success.