Revision Date: 5/5/2024
Oversight: VP of Learner Success
Agathon UAF recognizes the seriousness, illegality, and immorality of sexual abuse of any and every kind. As an online private religious university, Agathon UAF takes any allegations of sexual abuse very seriously.
Agathon UAF recognizes the need to publicly address counseling, campus security, education (including prevention, protection, and rights and duties of learners and representatives of Agathon UAF), and the commitment to accurately and promptly report sexual abuse to the duly constituted law authorities.
There are resources in the community where an individual may seek support outside of Agathon UAF. Use of any of these services is solely at the discretion of the individual.
Campus Security
Agathon UAF is an online private religious university and goes to great lengths to ensure that the online campus is a safe environment for learning and growth for all learners. If Agathon UAF personnel becomes aware of sexual abuse of any kind within the online campus or at any event or location, Agathon UAF will take immediate action to eliminate the sexual harassment or sexual violence, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects.
Agathon UAF is committed to education, communication, and training of learners and personnel in order to prevent sexual misconduct and to assure an appropriate response when incidents occur. Agathon UAF will provide information to learners and personnel on
– Training opportunities to learn about prevention and protection
– Agathon UAF procedures for handling allegations of sexual abuse
– Learners’ and representatives’ rights and duties regarding sexual abuse
Rights and Duties of Learners and Representatives of Agathon UAF
Because sexual misconduct may constitute both a violation of Agathon UAF policy and criminal activity, Agathon UAF requires individuals to report concerns of sexual misconduct to law enforcement as soon as possible after the incident. A Complainant may proceed under this Policy whether or not they elect to report to law enforcement as well. For emergencies, contact 9-1-1. To contact law enforcement in non-emergency situations, call the non-emergency number for your local police department.
In handling any complaints of sexual misconduct, Agathon UAF recognizes the following rights:
– Every complainant has the right to present his or her case. This includes the right to adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints, the right to have an equal opportunity to present witnesses and other evidence, and the right to the same appeal processes, for both parties.
- Every complainant has the right to be notified of the time frame within which: (a) the school will conduct a full investigation of the complaint; (b) the parties will be notified of the outcome of the complaint; and (c) the parties may file an appeal, if applicable.
- Every complainant has the right for the complaint to be decided using a preponderance of the evidence standard.
- Every complainant has the right to be notified, in writing, of the outcome of the complaint. Even though federal privacy laws limit disclosure of certain information in disciplinary proceedings:
- Schools must disclose to the complainant information about the sanction imposed on the perpetrator when the sanction directly relates to the harassed student. This includes an order that the harasser stay away from the harassed student, or that the harasser is prohibited from attending school for a period of time, or transferred to other classes or another residence hall.
- Both parties shall be informed of the outcome, including sanction information, of any institutional proceeding alleging a sex offense. Therefore, colleges and universities may not require a complainant to abide by a non-disclosure agreement, in writing or otherwise.
- The grievance procedures may include voluntary informal methods (e.g., mediation) for resolving some types of sexual harassment complaints. However, the complainant must be notified of the right to end the informal process at any time and begin the formal stage of the complaint process. In cases involving allegations of sexual assault, mediation is not appropriate.
Reporting Commitment
The Office of Learner Success facilitates the accurate and prompt reporting of sexual abuse to the duly constituted law enforcement authorities. Any individual who has questions about Vyrsity’s sexual abuse policy or would like to make a report or file a formal complaint of sexual abuse may contact the Office of Learner Success or the Vice President of Learner Success directly.
Child Abuse Reporting Commitment
Agathon UAF is also committed to the safety of all children in any context where Agathon UAF personnel might interact with them. Agathon UAF requires prompt reporting of any suspected physical or sexual abuse of a child to duly constituted law enforcement authorities within 24 hours of awareness of suspected abuse. The Office of Learner Success facilitates the accurate and prompt reporting of child abuse to the duly constituted law enforcement authorities. Any individual who has questions about Agathon UAF’s child abuse reporting policy or would like to make a report or file a formal complaint of child abuse may contact the Office of Learner Success or the Vice President of Learner Success directly after reporting the suspected abuse to duly constituted law enforcement authorities.